The People Gardener Podcast with Rhonda Delaney

Achieving Business Goals with Courage and Clarity

Rhonda Delaney

Ever wondered how to set business goals without letting fear and judgment hold you back? Join me, Rhonda Delaney, the People Gardener, as I share my journey from the confident goal-setter of my athletic teenage years to confronting the emotional paralysis that followed my firing from an executive role. Learn how to face these fears head-on, clarify your objectives, and move forward with newfound confidence in both your personal and professional lives. Through my own story and practical strategies, this episode aims to empower you to navigate the complexities of goal-setting effectively.

Explore the unique opportunities offered through the Raving Fans Society app, where you can become part of a thriving community dedicated to leadership and personal growth. Enjoy free membership benefits or opt for the comprehensive paid membership at $49 a month, gaining access to exclusive teaching materials, a robust resource library, monthly group coaching, and quarterly guest speakers on small business and leadership topics. Don't miss out on these valuable resources to elevate your leadership skills and grow both personally and professionally. Tune in now and let's take your journey to the next level!

Speaker 1:

Well, hey there, welcome to the People Gardener podcast. I'm Rhonda Delaney, your host, also known as the People Gardener, thrilled to put this podcast together to help small business owners, new business owners, frustrated business owners and aspiring leaders, whether they're inside business or outside. Each week, we bring you some actionable steps so that you can actually improve your skill as a leader. That's what we're about. We're here to help you become a better leader by giving you access to lots of different perspectives. By giving you access to lots of different perspectives. The guests are varied. We're thrilled to have them. Get out your pen, get out your paper and be ready to learn Every single episode. You're going to be able to take something away that you can implement. Are you ready? Let's get to work. Well, hey there. Welcome back to the People Gardener podcast. Happy to have you here this week.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we're talking about goals and goal setting, and this is so top of mind because I've been going through it in my own business and I know no, I shouldn't say I know I'm expecting that a lot of you have the same process in your life setting goals, not setting goals and I just want to share some of the things that have come up for me with goal setting and as I've been sitting with this and trying to figure out exactly how I feel and what I want to say, I started thinking back to my early teen years, right through my senior in high school, so I would have been 17, 18. Very athletic, did all sorts of of sports and the goal was always the championship. Right In Canada, it's provincial, so the provincial championships. Right the in Canada it's provincial, so the provincial championships. And got thinking about going going into every game. My expectation is that we were winning. That was a given. I wasn't. I wasn't even thinking that we wouldn't succeed.

Speaker 1:

And so, playing the game, the thought process all the way through the game, the match, whatever it was, was that we're winning this thing. We'll find a way, we'll do it, do what it takes. I didn't go in fearful of outcome at all. I also understood that it was entirely possible that we would not go undefeated in the year and I was okay with that. That still didn't affect the goal for that game and that was to win that game. And so, in my mind, you go out and you play and you do the best that you can, and you play as hard as you can and as smart as you can and the outcome is going to be the outcome. And back when I was a teenager man, I was just so okay with that, I didn't beat myself up. I mean, there are certainly times where I questioned my play and how that affected the outcome, but there was no wallowing in it, there was no. Okay, I've got this figured out. Now we move on, we go back to practice and we have another game and away we go.

Speaker 1:

And yet that old Rhonda, that younger Rhonda, hasn't shown up in the same way since I was fired from my executive position I like to use the term cancelled, it seems a little gentler, but I mean, bottom line is I was fired and walk in and it's like no, you're out of here that same day. So it's been six years, six and a half. It was in 18. Yeah, january 18. So six and a half years. So six and a half years and something that I have come putting a goal in place because the fear is there of not reaching that outcome and what that says about me that I'm a failure or that I can't cut it anymore. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what I'm talking about. Other people are going to judge me. So there's all of these things that have happened.

Speaker 1:

When I was in my executive position, I had no problem setting goals and working with my team to achieve them, and sometimes we were really close. Other times we blew past them, but there wasn't this paralysis of actually setting a goal Right now. In my business, for the last number of years, there's been a paralysis. There have been many times that I've sat down and I'm going okay, well, I need to put this. Okay, well, I need to put this. And then immediately the hairs on the back of my head are like oh Rhonda, that's ridiculous. Either you can't do that or why would you set something up that you could possibly not reach? And do you really think that there's that many people that would want to be part of your membership, that want your help in coaching? You wouldn't believe. Yeah, lots of things. So are you going through that? Have you gone through that?

Speaker 1:

As a business owner, when you're thinking about building your team, what are the things that you need to change what you're doing? What is the goal that you have for your team to become these raving fans? What does that look like? Have you set it down? Have you written it down on paper? Are you really clear about it or are you just kind of hoping that things are going to happen? I totally get that. Totally get that, because I've experienced it myself and I think most businesses have. So I can't quite figure this whole thing out, but I think part of it is I am now completely exposed on social media. The wins, the losses, the success, the failure. It's there and maybe that's what it is the fear of judgment, the fear of other people, of judgment, the fear of other people. So I a challenge. I've talked about James before. He's my business coach and there was a challenge put out and I accepted that challenge and I tell you I have had a lot of wild thoughts in my head about the what ifs and I've committed to doing this. If you're not on my email, get on it, rhonda, at RhondaDelaneycom. I talk about it in my newsletter.

Speaker 1:

Detaching yourself from outcome. Something that James has said oftentimes is stop putting a deadline or a time frame to what you want to accomplish. So if what you, as a business owner, want to accomplish is a million dollar business, a five million dollar business, and you're saying, oh, there's no way I could do that in a year or five years? Okay, back it up. Do you believe that you, in your lifetime, can achieve that, that five million dollar goal that you have? And if your answer is yes, then okay. If it takes you your whole lifetime, that's still a success. It doesn't have to be this week, it doesn't have to be next week.

Speaker 1:

Setting the goal is just giving you direction, and it could be that you know you're you're looking to have it happen in fourth quarter or first quarter of next year. Doesn't happen? Fine, gather yourself, you tweak things and you go at it again. So my question to you is have you been hesitant to set a goal? If you have, yeah, I'm right there with you. But this time I have set a goal and I really want you to set one too, and I want to hear about it. So email me or DM me on social media.

Speaker 1:

Goals help us to be focused, us to be focused, help us to keep ourselves on track about the things that we need to be doing in order to achieve that goal. And for you, as a business owner, building a team of people, a team of raving fans, people that will have your back and support you, whether you're in the building or not. That's something that you have to work at every single day, every single conversation, every interaction, every email, and when you have a goal and you're really clear on what it is that you're trying to build, it makes it much easier for that to happen sooner. You know there are so many books and so many people that talk about goals and goal setting, but the reality is this is your life, this is your business, and you have to set goals and expectations of yourself and really understand you're in the driver's seat and your habits and your behaviors are going to determine whether or not, not, whether or not the goal is reached. Maybe when it's reached, who knows, if you got really focused, you could go from a million to five million in one year. If you really worked at the mindset part of things and you also learned how to delegate and maybe buy supplies better or more efficiently, I mean, there's lots of ways that that could happen sooner rather than later.

Speaker 1:

Have the goal Set. The goal that's your homework for this week is to set a goal. Doesn't matter what it is, just set one and work at it and, like I say, get on my email. I will be keeping everybody apprised of how things are going with my goal, and I'll definitely be sharing my four minute breakthrough of the year video. That is one of the requirements that you have to have to submit this.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, get out there and have fun. Goals need to inspire, they need to be fun. They shouldn't be filled with fear and anxiety. They should be this wonderful place in the future that you're working towards and stop putting timelines on it. So, anyway, that's it for this week. We'll talk to you again next week.

Speaker 1:

Well, thanks for joining me today. Just a quick reminder if you were not on my email list, go to my website, rondadelaneycom, and there's a place there that you can subscribe, keep you up to date on all things people, gardening and leadership, and also a reminder that the Raving Fans Society app is available on the Apple Store and the Google Store. I do have a free membership in there that you'll be able to access some of my material, and then there's also a paid membership, and right now it's $49 a month and you will receive access to all of my material, all of the teaching content, including a resource library that will really help you along, as well as group coaching every month and then quarterly, bringing in guests that will talk on topics that pertain to small business owners and leadership. Thanks again for listening and we'll see you again next week.