The People Gardener Podcast with Rhonda Delaney

Streamline Hiring with AI Tools

Rhonda Delaney

The episode dives into cutting-edge AI tools that simplify the hiring process, revolutionizing how small business owners manage resumes and candidate assessment. As the landscape of recruitment evolves, this discussion emphasizes the advantages of integrating AI to enhance hiring efficiency and effectiveness.

- Importance of AI in modern hiring processes 
- Custom bots that analyze resumes based on specific skill sets 
- Benefits and features of different AI platforms for small businesses 

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Here's the links I promised you in the episode!

Speaker 1:

Well, hey there. Welcome to the People Gardener podcast. I'm Rhonda Delaney, your host, also known as the People Gardener, thrilled to put this podcast together to help small business owners, new business owners, frustrated business owners and aspiring leaders, whether they're inside business or outside. Each week, we bring you some actionable steps so that you can actually improve your skill as a leader. That's what we're about. We're here to help you become a better leader by giving you access to lots of different perspectives. By giving you access to lots of different perspectives. The guests are varied. We're thrilled to have them. Get out your pen, get out your paper and be ready to learn Every single episode. You're going to be able to take something away that you can implement. Are you ready? Let's get to work. Well, hey there. Welcome back to the People Gardener podcast. Happy to have you here this week.

Speaker 1:

Confession I had no intention of sticking with the AI theme, but I tell you, I went down a rabbit hole on YouTube because I really wanted to understand how to customize a bot and I kept on hearing all of this in a machine learning or teaching the bot and all this language. That's totally new to me. It seems like the story of my life for the last eight years since I was exited out of corporate, learning all of this new stuff and, as I'm sure all of you know, technology. It changes every single minute of every single day, so try to catch up on what a lot of this does and what it means. And I got thinking about a small business owner. Okay, so how do you use this inside your business and then also for outside your business, for your marketing could be your emails, your sales emails, that kind of thing, your sales emails, that kind of thing. So, hot and down a rabbit hole, and I will include two videos that I found really, really helpful in the description. If you're not on my email list, get on it, go to rondadelaneycom and there's a place that you can subscribe on that page, because I often include links, things that I feel you'll find helpful. So narrowed it down.

Speaker 1:

Actually, my focus was the hiring process, because I knew that was a time-consuming thing. It's very important. Like you don't want to shortcut that process, but you definitely could use some help in making it not quite so laborious. In corporate during the busy season, we would have an extra hundred people that would have to be hired, and I was involved in a lot of that, and so you're getting bleary-eyed reading the resumes and then they all start looking the same and back then I mean that was eight years ago there were a lot of people concerned that some machine was just scanning and spitting out good people, but for a bad reason.

Speaker 1:

What just really intrigued me that I will show you? She is actually helping you to learn how to customize, do a custom GPT. Now that is only available on their paid version. She said that it was about 20 bucks a month. I'm not exactly. I didn't check the date on her video, but I mean it would be somewhere in and around that. So you have this option.

Speaker 1:

But what intrigued me is you as the business owner or the person that is doing the hiring and oftentimes it is you. You know you might have three, five, 10 employees and you have that pertains to the job, the personality that would be best suited for that job, the skill sets that are required for that job, personality that would work well with the other people that you have in your company. And, let's face it, lots of companies have people do personality profiles and we can figure out how to work together. Well, if you have all of those, let's call it so when you think about all the resumes that come in, putting those resumes into this custom bot, it scans the resume, comes in a PDF. You put the PDF into the bot and it scans that information and then you have a prompt and you're telling the bot what to do with the resume information by using the knowledge that you've already given it about what you're looking for, what the description of the job is, what are skills that are required all of that background information and it sits in this bot and you update it as you are changing things within your own business. But then it's going to come back with a result. You know, you've told it what you're looking for in the ultimate employee and it's going to go through the resume and it's going to go back and compare what the resume says this person has versus what you're asking someone to have in order to be employed with your company. So if you're doing a lot of hiring, wow definitely can help.

Speaker 1:

Now I think that it would be really prudent to continually enhance and tweak your bot and make sure that it actually is coming back with correct information and reasonable information, because the thing is, the bot itself is what you've told it. It is in this scenario scenario because you're asking it to cover the information that you've given it, and that might be your website, it might be your training material for this particular job that you're hiring for. It could be your company's your employee handbook lots of detailed information, but that's the information that it has and that's what it's referencing when it's looking at this resume. Now, the interesting thing is, I think in both of the platforms that I was checking out, there is the option to go to the web as well. But it's kind of neat just to be able to put your world in this bot so that all of the things that are important to you as the business owner are being addressed when you're checking somebody's resume.

Speaker 1:

So that was a video and that was the chat GPT. And then there's another company called Coze. It's C-O-Z-E or, for my Canadian phrase, zed. That's how I grew up. The last letter of the alphabet was Zed. The last letter of the alphabet was Z. They use in the background ChatGPT4.

Speaker 1:

This is a free platform, so you go in and you basically do exactly the same thing. They allow you to put in PDFs, you can put in all the different URLs and again you are creating, in essence, an assistant that is going to do the heavy lifting for you and is going to spit out a response with regards to each person whose resume you put in, and it's done within seconds. I didn't test and I probably should have, you know, make up some some fake resumes, but I'm sure that you could put in there a scoring system that makes sense for you and then you can make sure that the bot understands that's. One of its roles is that it needs to score these resumes. Yeah, it is freaking amazing what is out there and, like I say, I went down a rabbit hole. It's it needs to go further and further and further.

Speaker 1:

I'm really excited in using the bots in my business as far as marketing, helping me with emails, helping me with information, and now I'm planning on using it to come up with all sorts of questions that you small business owners have about leadership and about culture building, and start answering those questions and getting them out there. So, instead of this blank page which I talked about last week in the podcast, you're much further ahead. The bot is helping you not to have that blank page. When I think about the hours that I spent going through resumes, it's not that you don't want to get the information, but you got to figure out an efficient way to get to it, because if a skill is an absolute requirement, then any resume that comes in that doesn't have that skill. It needs to be moved aside and it needs to be moved aside quickly. It needs to be moved aside and it needs to be moved aside quickly.

Speaker 1:

This old girl is learning some new things, so it's a good day. I will absolutely put both of those videos and really encourage you to watch them, because both of the people have a different delivery style, but both very simple and straightforward to follow. I would love to hear if you do some custom GPTs, some custom bots, and how you're using it, what you're using it for this one gal. She has all these internal bots doing all sorts of things for the business, so have fun looking into bots and we'll talk to you again next week. Well, thanks for joining me today. Just a quick reminder if you were not on my email list, go to my website, rondadelaneycom, and there's a place there that you can subscribe, keep you up to date on all things people, gardening and leadership. And also a reminder that the Raving Fans Society app is available on the Apple Store and the Google Store. Thanks again for listening and we'll see you again next week.